Explore the many ways in which different types of food and drink have potential to influence epigenetic marks on DNA and, ultimately, health outcomes. Learn how broccoli may be able to epigenetically reduce cancer risk, how an assortment of herbs could boost health, and even the ways a high fat, low carb diet may be able to boost mental ability. This collection of cutting-edge nutriepigenetic research studies aims to break down complex dietary epigenetic findings and understand its potential application in our daily life.

Check out our comprehensive e-book Epigenetics in Life: What We Eat to learn more about how different foods influence health.

Epigenetic Insights on Nutrition, Hormones and Eating Behavior

December 4, 2018 Janeth Santiago Rios

It is widely acknowledged that alterations of the intrauterine and early postnatal nutritional and hormonal environment can make individuals more susceptible to the development of diseases in later life, a phenomenon clearly explained by epigenetics. We know that what the mother eats during pregnancy can increase the risk of the baby becoming obese as an adult, among other several health disorders. However, the link between these two is much more complex than we thought, as epidemiological and animal studies have [more…]

Curcumin May Alleviate Liver Damage Caused by Drug-induced Epigenetic Changes

November 20, 2018 Natalie Crowley

For centuries, people all around the globe have known about the health benefits of herbs and spices. One spice, in particular, stands out not only for its bright yellow color but also for its potent healing powers. This wonder spice is Curcuma longa, commonly known as turmeric, and it belongs to the ginger family. Traditionally used in Indian cooking as a main ingredient in curry powder, this spice is also used to make medicine. Numerous studies have promoted turmeric as [more…]

Natural Compound in Garlic Uses Epigenetics to Fight Ovarian Cancer

November 13, 2018 Natalie Crowley

Garlic has been used in food and as medicine since ancient times. Considered a superfood for its role as a health promoter, this small, pungent vegetable is widely used today to prevent and treat numerous conditions from the common cold to heart disease, cancer, and more. Now new research is confirming garlic’s medicinal ability, finding that it contains a powerful substance that acts epigenetically to halt the growth of ovarian cancer. There are numerous nutrients in garlic that are beneficial [more…]

Nutrition May Have an Epigenetic Impact on Early Puberty in Girls

October 24, 2018 Tim Barry

Maintaining proper nutrition is a very important factor in living a long, healthy life. Foods that have little nutritional benefits have become easier to get our hands on, so the emphasis on proper nutritional health has become a fleeting priority for some people and their families. As a result, most individuals have inadvertently accepted the  western diet, rich in empty carbs, red meats and saturated fats, as their everyday diet. Diet can also impact a person’s epigenetics, and people can [more…]

Red Wine Components May Epigenetically Help Prevent Breast Cancer Growth

October 16, 2018 Natalie Crowley

Pink may be the color for breast cancer awareness month, but when it comes to reducing your risk for the disease; the color red makes a good choice. New research has found that certain chemicals highly concentrated in red wine may hinder breast cancer cell growth, as well as influence a person’s epigenetics. Breast cancer has been said to be the single most important health crisis women face today. Despite advances in modern medicine, 180,000 new cases of invasive breast [more…]

Epigenetic Mark Found in Microbiome Could Help Prevent Digestive Disorders

September 25, 2018 Tim Barry

Maintaining a healthy diet can be incredibly difficult to do, especially with the temptations of junk food, alcohol, and sweets. Often times we are in a rush to get to plans that we’ve made, or go grab a drink after work, and we forget to prioritize putting nutritious foods in our bodies. As a result, most of us follow a western diet in our everyday lives, because the foods are more readily available (and seem to taste better). This diet [more…]

Epigenetics and Diet May Determine Who Becomes Queen Bee

September 18, 2018 Lisa Fox

Swords and stones might determine royalty in England, but scientists discovered that in honeybees, the deciding factor may be epigenetics. A recent study suggests that histone modifications, including histone methylation and histone acetylation, could determine whether bee larvae develop into workers or a queen. Interestingly, the bees’ diet was found to influence these epigenetic marks. Diet can have a significant impact in human epigenetics, and could influence a person’s disease risk and mental ability. “Think of the genome as the [more…]

Epigenetic Mechanism May Reprogram Heart to Fail

August 28, 2018 Tim Barry

Heart disease is one of the most prevalent ailments among Americans, and can often be deadly. According to the CDC, about 1 in 4 deaths is directly related to heart disease, and it is the leading cause of death among both men and women in the US. Risk factors that contribute to the development of heart disease include poor diet, lack of exercise, high blood pressure, and smoking. Coronary artery disease is the leading type of heart disease and is [more…]

Diet and Good Gut Bacteria Could Epigenetically Change Your Gene Expression

August 7, 2018 Tim Barry

There are many different diets available in the nutritional world today that could dramatically adjust our gut bacteria, depending on what we consume. High-fat, low-carb diets, low-fat, high-carb diets, fasting, and cleanses are just a few examples of popular diets, and even what some may call “fads”, which might leave a person confused (and hungry). Maintaining dietary health is one of the most important factors in ensuring a long, prosperous life. Often times we forget to prioritize healthy eating habits [more…]

Epigenetics of Breastfeeding: 4 Diseases and Disorders That Breast Milk Could Protect Against

August 2, 2018 Janeth Santiago Rios

Many people believe that breastfeeding is the best gift a mother can offer to her child. It has lots of benefits, not only because breast milk contains the right amount of nutrients, but also because it’s packed with lots of antibodies and biologically active compounds that play a key role in boosting a baby’s immune system. We have already seen how maternal nutrition and lifestyle can shape the development and future health of a baby via epigenetic mechanisms. Among many [more…]

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