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About Us is a New York-based blog and news aggregator for epigenetics-related subjects, supported and funded by epigenetic biotechnology company EpiGentek. With our writing team and contributors from diverse backgrounds, our weekly articles bring the science of epigenetics to the forefront of everyday life. From the epigenetic health benefits of green tea and exercise to tips on epigenetically reducing stress through meditation, highlights cutting-edge research and brings to light its implications for the many realms of healthful living.

Our most popular categories include News & Reviews and Educationally Entertaining, offering articles such as Epigenetic Gift of Gab: Could Chemical Tags on DNA Influence a Person’s Social Skills? and The Epigenetics of Sleep: 3 Reasons to Catch More Zzz’s. For more technically advanced articles, our For the Scientist section delves into the tools and technologies as well as tips and techniques for researchers working in the field of epigenetics. This is a great way for scientists to stay up-to-date on the developing field and gives the everyday person a glimpse into the technical backbone of many of our articles.

What is Epigenetics Ebook
Our first-ever ebook explains how foods may epigenetically influence our health. Check out Epigenetics in Life: What We Eat, which cites over 20+ epigenetic studies.

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Please use our submission form to submit original epigenetic-related articles or press releases. Some example submissions that were published include:

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