The study of epigenetics has been around for some time, but to many it is still a relatively new field of research. Not that much is written about it or easy to reference on the web. That’s why we were thrilled when Garland Science announced its newest publication, Epigenetics by Lyle Armstrong, PhD, Newcastle University. This easy to follow and well-written scientific textbook brings together the structure and machinery of epigenetic modification, how epigenetic modification controls cellular functions, and the evidence for the relationship between epigenetics and disease.
- Content: The content of this textbook is suitable for use in college courses. Some chapters are highly detailed (for example chapter four: modifying the structure of chromatin, and chapter 8: locus-specific control of histone-modifying enzyme action) and therefore this textbook would also be suitable for graduate level courses as an overview and introductory platform to the field of epigenetics. In a general classroom setting, the organization and content also allows for modularity, so that certain sections can be adapted accordingly.
- Readership Level: The reading level is appropriate for undergraduate level courses.
- Quality: The author has made a very thorough presentation of several areas within the field of epigenetics. The material has been presented in a comprehensive, well-organized and understandable manner. He allows the reader to gain a strong foundation of each subject area by including detailed introductory sections. The coverage of the topics will allow the reader to obtain both general knowledge and also more detailed understanding of the regulating mechanisms involved in epigenetic changes and the consequences of those changes. The content is also relevant to current trends in the field of epigenetics and includes reviews of disease states related to epigenetics, such as cancer, which are actively being researched.
- Authorship: The author displays strong command of the subject matter and is clearly an expert in the field.
Overall, the textbook is well written in a conversational style suitable and appropriate for undergraduate (including community college) and introductory graduate level courses.
For more information about the textbook, visit Garland Science online at