About Bailey Kirkpatrick
Bailey Kirkpatrick is a science writer with a background in epigenetics and psychology with a passion for conveying scientific concepts to the wider community. She enjoys speculating about the implications of epigenetics and how it might impact our perception of wellbeing and the development of novel preventative strategies. When she’s not combing through research articles, she also enjoys discovering new foods, taking nighttime strolls, and discussing current events over a barrel-aged sour beer or cold-brewed coffee.

HDAC and HAT Inhibitors Reprogram Social Behavior in Carpenter Ants

January 26, 2016 Bailey Kirkpatrick

Florida carpenter ants, or Camponotus floridanus, are social creatures that can develop into one of two distinct castes of workers – majors or minors. These two types of worker ants display specific differences in foraging and scouting behavior for their entire lives. However, a group of researchers conducted a study at the University of Pennsylvania and discovered that these castes can actually be epigenetically reprogrammed via histone acetylation with the help of epigenetic inhibitors. Surprisingly, the ant’s genetic makeup didn’t [more…]

ChIP Reveals Unexpected Insight into Flatworm Tissue Regeneration and Histone Modifications

January 19, 2016 Bailey Kirkpatrick

Planaria, or flatworms, are often used as a model organism to investigate the fascinating process of how tissues and organs can regenerate. The flatworm has numerous stem cells called neoblasts and, when it’s injured, this intriguing creature can actually restore its own body parts. Researchers conducted the study at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research in the lab of Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado, Ph.D., a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. In two related studies, they examined stem cell differentiation and the [more…]

DNA Hydroxymethylation Regulates Gene Expression of Cancer-Causing Epstein-Barr Virus

January 12, 2016 Bailey Kirkpatrick

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is one of the most common human viruses found all over the world. It spreads via bodily fluids, especially saliva, and causes what many may be familiar with – infectious mononucleosis, or mono. This virus, when in its latent form in humans, can also lead to cancer of the upper-throat, or nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Researchers from University of Wisconsin-Madison have discovered that an epigenetic mechanism known as DNA hydroxymethylation can alter the virus’s DNA and impact [more…]

Histone Modifications Reveal Surprising Clues to Herpes Simplex Virus Reactivation

January 5, 2016 Bailey Kirkpatrick

If you’ve ever had a cold sore – you know those pesky, unsightly blisters that pop up on your lip right before an interview or a first date – you may have herpes. But, wait, the herpes simplex virus (HSV) is probably not as bad as you think and it’s very common. There are actually two different types. Type 1 is associated with oral herpes, which is the virus most likely causing the cold sores, whereas type 2 is associated with [more…]

HDAC Inhibitors Reduce Kidney Damage Caused by Cancer Therapy

December 29, 2015 Bailey Kirkpatrick

The chemotherapy drug cisplatin has been successful in combating aggressive cancers, including neck and head, lung, and ovarian cancers, for nearly 40 years. However, many patients suffer from kidney damage as a result of the drug and there is currently no therapy available for treating or preventing cisplatin nephrotoxicity. Researchers have found that histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors can improve the kidneys in the presence of the cancer drug by eliminating 80 to 90 percent of kidney toxicity. They published their [more…]

Epigenetic Modifications Help Unlock the Molecular Mystery of Memory

December 22, 2015 Bailey Kirkpatrick

Memory is perhaps one of the most fascinating processes, one that guides us through life and helps make us who we are. Many believe memory is linked to synaptic plasticity, the ability to strengthen existing neuronal connections and form new ones. Although the creation of memories is not fully understood, new research uncovers evidence that offers a glimpse into the molecular mechanisms underlying this complex process. The molecular mechanisms that store experiences and alter brain cell connections to improve plasticity [more…]

New Link Found Between DNA Methyltransferase and Antidepressants

December 15, 2015 Bailey Kirkpatrick

In a new study, researchers have found that epigenetic effects can result from taking a popular antidepressant drug, which may help indicate whether or not a patient will respond positively to the drug. The research team, led by scientists in Germany from the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, found a molecular pathway that changes global DNA methylation while in the presence of paroxetine, also referred to as Paxil, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed [more…]

Epigenetic and Genetic Connections to Schizophrenia in the Developing Brain

December 8, 2015 Bailey Kirkpatrick

Connections between epigenetics and schizophrenia have been previously speculated, although no one knows for certain exactly how epigenetic tags may or may not control the development of the disease. Now, research conducted by a group of international scientists is helping us to understand the epigenetic and genetic components of schizophrenia in the developing human brain. Headed by researchers from the University of Exeter Medical School, Cardiff University and King’s College London, the study was published in Nature Neuroscience and details, [more…]

HDAC Inhibitor Could Sharpen Memory and Treat Cancer

December 1, 2015 Bailey Kirkpatrick

New research has found that a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor drug used to treat cancer could also help sharpen memory and improve one’s ability to learn a new language. It could even help rewire the brain and sustain neurons which could be of benefit to those suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia. Researchers from Rutgers published a study in the Journal of Neuroscience that investigated a cancer treatment drug, RGFP966, and found that it had other positive effects that were previously [more…]

Moms Exposed to Lead May Impact DNA Methylation of Her Children and Grandchildren

November 24, 2015 Bailey Kirkpatrick

Evidence supporting multigenerational epigenetic inheritance continues to mount as a group of researchers discover that mothers who have a significant amount of lead present in their blood can epigenetically impact not only their unborn children, but their grandchildren as well. The study was published in Scientific Reports. It is well known that children in the womb can be impacted by small amounts of exposure to lead. If a woman is pregnant and exposed to lead, it can harm the baby [more…]

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