Drugs & Addiction

Articles that explore the ways in which epigenetic drugs may be used to stave off cancer and other diseases. Additional articles cover topics related to drug abuse, rehab, and addiction.

The Epigenetic Impact of Cannabis Use During Pregnancy on Child’s Health

In recent years, the popularity and availability of cannabis has grown significantly, with various consumption methods like edibles gaining traction.…

9 months ago

Breaking the Cycle: Promising Epigenetic Breakthrough in Opioid Addiction Relapse Prevention

Opioid misuse has led to an unprecedented crisis, with more than 3 million people in the United States experiencing dependence…

10 months ago

Low Levels of Alcohol Can Epigenetically Prime the Brain for Addiction

Alcoholism is a disease that can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or body type. But, dependence on alcohol…

1 year ago

New Drug Targets Epigenetic Mark, May Help Treat Rare Cancer

In 2020, the FDA approved Epizyme’s drug tazemetostat (Brand name: Tazverik) to treat a rare type of solid tumor called…

4 years ago

Epigenetics May Be Why Cocaine Cravings Increase With Time After Abstinence

Addiction is an incredibly powerful force that affects many people all over the world. It’s a debilitating, lifelong disease that…

4 years ago

Teen Drinking Could Epigenetically Hinder Brain Development

Alcohol is likely the most used and abused substance in the world. It’s fine to have a few cocktails or…

5 years ago

Marijuana Use May Epigenetically Impact Sperm Health

Marijuana has been the topic of much recent debate across the United States, and its legalization has undoubtedly gained some…

5 years ago

Exercise May Offset Drinking’s Harmful Epigenetic Effect on the Brain

Drinking alcohol on a regular basis, even in moderation, can cause damage to the brain. Physical activity, however, has been…

6 years ago

Epigenetic Bee Study Explains Why Cocaine is So Addictive

Bees, like humans, have been known to act…well, buzzed when given cocaine. And just like us, they can also become…

6 years ago

Epigenetic Drugs That Fight Cancer Also Show Promise as Antivirals

Epigenetic drugs designed to fight cancer might actually be used against many viruses as well. A recent study published in…

7 years ago