Novel Assay to Probe the DNA Methylation State of Multiple Genomic Loci in Single Cells

DNA Methylation State of Multiple Genomic Loci in Single Cells

The scientists from A*STAR’s Institute of Medical Biology (IMB) and Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB)  developed a novel methodology to probe single cells for various DNA-methylation errors at multiple loci to reveal failed maintenance of epigenetic mark results in chimeric mice, which display unpredictable phenotypes leading to developmental arrest. This methodology allows the use of  a special technique utilizing a microfluidic device to safely extract one cell for performing the assay called “pronuclear transfer” to ameliorate reprogramming defects in embryos. This study not only details the epigenetic reprogramming dynamics in early mammalian embryos, but it also suggests diagnostic and potential future therapeutic applications.

Source: Science, 2013 Sept 6

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