Epigenetic Bee Study Explains Why Cocaine is So Addictive

March 27, 2018 Natalie Crowley

Bees, like humans, have been known to act…well, buzzed when given cocaine. And just like us, they can also become addicted to it…even suffer from withdrawal symptoms when the drug is taken away. It’s this similarity in altered behavior to us that makes them a great model system to study when investigating the effects of cocaine use. As it just so happens, researchers from Norway and Australia recently conducted a study using honey bees to investigate cocaine dependency. Not the [more…]

A Western Diet May Adjust Epigenetic Marks on Children’s DNA and Damage The Nervous System

March 22, 2018 Estephany Ferrufino

A recent study has shown that following a western diet even before your child is born may lead to dysfunction of his or her autonomic nervous system via epigenetic changes. A western diet is high in saturated fats, red meats, and empty carbohydrates while being low in fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, seafood and poultry. Eating this way has been linked to many diseases, including hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Now, research suggests epigenetics may be involved in [more…]

EpigenCare Pioneers Personalized Skincare Based on Your Unique Epigenetic Signature

March 15, 2018 Bailey Kirkpatrick

Pinpointing factors that make a person unique could shift the entire landscape of how we attend to our health – from exercise plans to custom diets and even skincare regimens. The concept of personalization has pierced the bubble of the prevailing “one size fits all” mentality, deflating the flawed notion that what works for the majority will likely work for anyone. When it comes to our bodies’ largest organ, and caring for it effectively, epigenetics may provide an answer. Our [more…]

Epigenetics May Explain Why Stress From Exercise is Good for the Heart

March 6, 2018 Tim Barry

In the exercise community, it is often preached that working out is a form of medicine and can be crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Routine exercise helps to retain healthy body weight and has been shown to lower the risk of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. It’s even been shown to keep the brain healthy. High-intensity exercise places a “good stress” on the heart allowing robust function – but why is stress from exercise considered [more…]


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