Brandon Eudy

Brandon received his PhD in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Florida and is currently a postdoctoral scholar at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is fascinated with the impact of nutrition on health and physiology and is ever curious about the role of epigenetics in mediating nutrient-gene interactions. Outside of the lab, Brandon provides thought-provoking and informative posts on food, cooking, and nutritional sciences at his blog

DNA Methylation at PON3 May Lead to Weight Loss in Humans Following a Hypocaloric Diet.

Obesity has become a major pandemic in the United States and other countries and is a major burden to healthcare…

3 years ago

How a Ketogenic Diet May Change Your Gene Expression

Over the past few years, ketogenic diets have become one of the most popular weight loss tools out there. Numerous…

3 years ago

Nut Consumption Improves Sperm Parameters and May Alter Epigenome

Male infertility is a huge problem affecting nearly 1 in 10 men of reproductive age. This issue is occurring alongside…

3 years ago

Epigenetic Regulator TET1 May Prevent Beiging of Fat Cells

Obesity is currently a major healthcare concern in the United States, and biomedical researchers are still working to untangle the…

3 years ago

Histone Deacetylases Play a Role in Health & Renewal of Intestinal Barrier

The barrier of the small intestine consists of a thin layer of cells which blocks pathogens from entering the body…

4 years ago

Parenteral Nutrition May Alter Epigenetic Marks in Infant Guinea Pigs

Parenteral nutrition (PN) is a means of administering intravenous nutrition to critically ill patients or individuals who cannot otherwise consume…

4 years ago

Betaine Intake During Pregnancy May Epigenetically Effect Transcription

Betaine is a methyl-donor nutrient that can be obtained through the diet and is especially rich in spinach, beets, and…

4 years ago

Epigenetic Marks May Regulate Liver Disease

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an increasingly alarming health problem in the United States where it is estimated that…

4 years ago